
月島アートスクール主宰 / キッズクラス担当 / 野瀬佳枝 Director / Yoshie Nose http://yoshie-nose.com/
<経歴> 武蔵野美術大学造形学部油絵科卒業

  • ・化学メーカーにおいて都市計画・公共施設・集合住宅・個人住宅のカラーコンサルティング
  • ・大手人材派遣会社CSR 障碍者雇用促進事業の絵画制作・商品企画・制作指導 等
  • ・月島アートスクール主宰



Director Yoshie Nose http://yoshie-nose.com/
<Art Career>

Graduated from Musashino Art University of Art and Design, Department of Painting Certified art teacher for junior high and high schools

Color consultant for a chemical manufacturing company. Worked on city planning,public facility, housing complex, and private housing projects.

Worked for a recruitment agency with an emphasis on its corporate social responsibilities. Participated in projects to promote the employment of handicapped people through art making, product planning, and production guidance.

Supervisor of Tsukishima Art School.


The seeds of art production can be found by looking closely at everyday objects or ordinary events. Making art lets you think and express with your hands, which in return gives you a chance to look at, and find new things about, yourself.
Then think bigger. Learn from history, express the present through the appreciation of the daily life, and picture the future to acquire a deeper insight about the world. Loving and expressing aesthetics can be considered the foundation of a rich and relaxed life. At Tsukishima Art School we listen to each individual, from young children to seasoned veterans. Special instructors will be invited as needed, while our staff will continue to improve every day in order to provide what is best for everyone.

My hope is to use our gallery both as a classroom for lessons to further your ability to appreciate art as well as a salon where people can communicate with others in an aesthetic environment.

Our mission is to create new values and improve the culture of the local community. We will be active in developing human resources and interacting with other communities. Please look forward to our future projects.

http://yoshie-nose.com/ 「Micro-Macro」Massage From HUTABA フタバ画廊(東京/銀座)
「Tokyo Landscape」 SEIKA GARELLY (東京/京橋)